Stella Grasso is an independent travel photographer,visual artist and storyteller.

Born in Catania, Sicily , after her studies and various work experiences in Italy,she decided to move to England, carrying her dad’s old analogue camera and great aspirations.
She always enjoyed a sheer passion for visual arts but  London pushed her interest to a whole new level, challenging her creative eye towards unexplored directions. She studied photography at KCC (University of Arts London) where had the opportunity to approach the medium from different angles, finding her own way to express herself through the lens. She has been involved in all kind of projects: from fashion to portraits, studio and location, fine art and conceptual photography… but her “natural habitat” is the Street, Travel and Documentary.

 She was mainly based in Europe at first, then her life flipped...switching to 'Travel Mode'! 

Avid voyageur , she spent several years wandering solo all around South East  Asia, China,  Philippines, South Korea, India, Sri Lanka,Indonesia,... and  living  in Japan, Nepal, Hong Kong and Taiwan ; discovering  a new way of traveling :  no more  spinning around from place to place but... stopping for a while, joining projects here and there. This way, off the beaten path, she explored  amazing places, finding opportunities and jobs on the way: volunteering, working as  documentary photographer for local NGOs, collaborating with grassroots collectives.Being immersed in every country’s culture, interacting with the indigenous  community, she learnt a lot and 'built' something...leaving a footprint  wherever  she stepped, trying to give voice with images... to tell stories  that  matter.

For her personal projects she prefers working with film (110mm,35mm,medium and large format).

Very keen black and white analogue photographer, she loves experimenting  with old alternative processes and techniques.


Art Projects / Exhibitions

Film Foundry Analog Printing Studio Residency - Lalitpur,  Nepal  August 2019 to current

Touch me don’t touch me (mixed media installation)– Kaalo 101 Art Gallery Lalilitpur,  Nepal Oct/Nov  2019

Life in  Analogue: A Photography Exhibition (Book Publication)–Siddhartha Art Gallery  Kathmandu ,Nepal Aug2019

Photography Masterclass with Masato Seto– PLACE M Daido Moriyama Gallery , Tokyo  June- Dec 2016

Solo Exhibition – GT Italian Art Exhibition- Gt Land Plaza Guangzhou, China Nov – Dec 2015

CEAC (Chinese European Art Centre) Artistic Residency- Xiamen, China June 2015

Rhizome'003 Liberty- St John on Bethnal Green, London February 2015

Roots & Leaves- Galerie im Erd und Feuer, Berlin May-June 2014

Capture– Camden Image Gallery, London January 2014

Exposed– Kensington & Chelsea College, London July 2013

LoopArt13– THE FAIRCHARM, Deptford, London March 2013

Using Format